Friday, July 29, 2011

What do you mean change?

Well, I've been asked by a couple people, "Where did the name of your blog come from?".  To be honest, I also design quilts and I was using the name of my shop for the patterns that I had designed.  It got me thinking that I really wanted a more appropriate name for my patterns.  Something that sounded "old".  So for quite some time I had been taking notes and trying them out in my head.  So I narrowed it down to a few.  Then, what it really came down to was if I could secure a blog and a domain name.  So, "Washboard Quilts" is what they shall be called.  

I have a good friend who's daughter is a graphic artist and she has done my pattern covers for quite sometime.  She has designed a new logo for me and as soon as she does some tweaking, I will unveil it.  I'm very excited!

I will be vending at EXPO in Madison in September and all my patterns will have a facelift by then.  I'm hoping to complete 5 new patterns by then also.  Keep your fingers crossed.


1 comment:

  1. It's a great name! Welcome to the 'land of blog' *s*
